Thursday, March 17, 2011

No, Caitlin - he won't fit in your suitcase

My daughter came to visit last week, along with our son-in-law. They both flew down from Missouri, and Matt would drive home with a high school friend who was moving back to St. Louis from Venice, Florida. Now, one has to only look at the weather channel to realize that is probably a dumb move, but then Caitlin isn't ready to leave her many friends up north. If I want to get them down here, I guess I have to find her husband a job at the golf course. And that might just work. Caitlin will be easy, she's a great little banker, and speaks Spanish as well - Florida can use a bi-lingual "chica".

Caitlin had never seen the new house, nor the new dog. She liked the house, but she loved Ripley. Ripper, as usual, is quick to bond with anybody who will rub his belly or pet his head and he did his usual trick of jumping into their laps, and giving them the full "what a good boy am I" routine.

He really is a great dog, and gets along with all people and most dogs - except that bearded Collie around the corner, and those two yappy little Pit Yorkies across the street in the more upscale neighborhood. Ripley even has a girlfriend, Bonnie, a West Highland Terrier, and he enjoys going on walks with her all the time.

As much as Ripley loves all people, especially those who love dogs, he is MY dog, and nobody will sneak him off in either a rental truck headed north, or a suitcase carried aboard an airplane. My kids understand the pecking order around here, and Beagles always come first, wife second, children last. I was a beagle dog in my last life, and I hope to come back again as a beagle dog. No equivocation, no debate. Beagle dogs rule!

But, nice try Caitlin - if you move down here where your brother already lives, you can have unlimited hugs and kisses from Ripley, my wonderful buddy. Till then, you'll just have to make do with your own dogs, JoJo and Toby. They're OK terriers, but at the risk of repeating myself (and after having five before Ripley), Beagles Rule! If you want a beagle of your own, may I recommend Southeast Beagle Rescue or Tampa Bay Beagle Rescue. Lots of great dogs looking for "fur-ever homes". Google those names, or a beagle rescue near you - great dogs await adoption, and while I've got mine, it might be time for you to get yours too.

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