Well, clearly - they lied, and we still don't have a new pool in which to swim. The pool in the picture belongs to a unit across the street, where over the past 18 months we've seen people just two times, for maybe a week or ten days. It's owned by some German or Swiss industrialist, whom rumor has it will not sell because he's holding it over his wife who is also on the title. So, it sits idle in the sun, but a pool company comes every two weeks and cleans and applies whatever chemicals required to keep it clean.
This story is about the sign, which I've propped up and then given folks a close up view to inspect. What's wrong with this sign? Well, clearly the people at the health "departement" do not spell well. We noticed this extraneous vowel long ago, but today when shooting the picture noticed another grievous error. I thought that perhaps the guy who spelled department was French, but a buddy said "no, then it would be "arrondissement". Technically, you could use that word which refers more to political subdivisions, but in English the word Department turns out to be exactly Departement en Francais.
Now, armed with an extra vowel, I'm giving you a hint - you'll need to buy a consonant to find the other error. Hey, knock yourself out, there might even be a third error somewhere. Sarasota schools appear to have abandoned spelling lessons somewhere in their past, or perhaps it's just that asking that employees known English might be inconsistent with politically correct hiring. But don't get me started on the NEA, which really does stand for Nobody Educating Anyone.
John, I guess we can take comfort in the fact that the signmaker didn't spell it "ordnance." That would be scary.