Monday, December 31, 2012

And now, driving the number 33 car..........

Move over Darryl Waltrip, Cole Bob
wants to drive this year.
"Cole Bob" Kreienkamp checks out Grandma's Volvo 
 NASCAR will be the ultimate destination for Cole Robert Kreienkamp, based on his meteoric rise in the stock car ranks as the number one baby driver for Richard Childress' Number 33 car, sponsored by General Mills.  He's the latest stock car phenomena to come out of the St. Louis market, and takes his driving seriously but with a lot of enthusiasm.

Cole already is doing a number of public appearances on behalf of product line Cheerios, which he heartily, if not messily, eats every race morning. 

When asked to comment, he said something which I'm sure was positive, but must admit I'm just not sure what he said.  After all, he's only 13 months old.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Anniversary today, 14,975 and counting

Sometimes, the frivolous muse attacks, and I cannot resist writing something.  Today, December 29th, marks the start of my 42nd year of marriage.  Tomorrow, at church, the poinsettias which will adorn the pulpit will be commemorate that achievement of Elizabeth's - enduring 41 years of marriage to me.

Of course, we don't choose the flowers as they are generally "of the season".  You pay your $25, you take your chances, and then you get to take home the flowers after the service.  Since Poinsettias are not healthy for little dogs, we've decided to let somebody else enjoy them.

So, tomorrow begins day 14,976 (yes, I did remember to add those ten "leap year" days into the calculation) of the union of John & Elizabeth.

Many at our wedding were making book that it wouldn't last, and I think the longest bet was five years.  
Today is like our wedding day (which actually was more of a wedding night) inasmuch as it's also raining outside and we have no special plans.  After that late afternoon wedding on December 29th, 1971, we attended briefly the reception at a nearby hotel, then retired to my apartment to watch a little TV ("Outer Limits" as I recall) and turn in to go to work the next day.  I was a student working days and attending evening classes, and Elizabeth was working, and we couldn't afford a "honeymoon" but hoped that our tax return (remember, I had just gained an extra deduction for a dependent) would provide that money by the following April 15th.

We both agree that the "honeymoon" was postponed till 1974, after I had graduated college and was attending my first job related business meeting in Orlando.  Disney was the location, Epcot was new and we took perhaps an extra day.  About all I remember, but maybe that's just age talking.  Anyway, best wishes to all those people who attended our wedding, made bets, and lost money - like a Timex, some marriages take a licking, but keep on ticking.  

Oh, the cartoon?   Well, it just reminded me of that new competitor for Hickory Farms of Ohio, an upstart firm in nearby know it...........Cheeses of Nazareth.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cole's First Birthday Celebration Week

Proud mom and dad share cake with Cole
Cole Robert Kreienkamp, age 1

Toby, Ripley, Cole and JoJo and Grandpaw
My week in Missouri comes to an end today, as we pack up the Volvo and head back south to Florida.  I must admit it's been a great time to be a grandfather, even with the obligation (once) to have sole duty and change an actual diaper.  I've got to say, they're a whole lot easier, without those darned pins.   In fact, the best thing about a grandson is that you can always hand him back to his mom, or dad, not to mention Grandma who is always willing to step in.  Cole is really an ideal child, whip smart, and on the whole quite easy to deal with - he seems to have his mother's joyful temperament and his father's unflappable sense of calm love.  My daughter did OK in the marriage department, as Matt is a great dad and it's clear that Cole loves him as much as she does.   Not all children have this to grow up around, so as grandparents, we're truly blessed.

When J.B. and Caitlin were growing up, my wife was a stay at home mom, and I was out chasing a career.  Granted, that career was a good one, and provided for educational opportunities for both my children, the fruits of which are coming to pass in this less than ideal economy of today.  When one looks around to see how many lack jobs and nice homes, you come to appreciate your own good fortunes.  Cole is growing up in a nice home, with two loving parents, and two small dogs.

As to those dogs, I'm not sure either would have been my own choice, and I'm quietly convinced that Matt would have preferred something in the way of one larger animal, but JoJo the Dumpster Dog (actually rescued from a dumpster in Detroit of all places by a high school friend) and Toby the Toy Fox Terrier without tear ducts (making it two dogs with one good eye between them) are part of the package.  At least for one week, Ripley the beagle showed Cole what a dog is supposed to be.  Non yapping masculine bark, patient with small hands learning to to pet "gently", handsome as the day is long (like his daddy) and award winning breed (we all remember Uno, who won at Westminster K.C.).   Although, last night, as we were repacking suitcases, I did hear him exhale a sigh of relief that we'd soon be "on the road again".

So, as the dawn breaks, and the household awakes, I'll end this missive by saying "while you can't go home again", you can visit your children and enjoy watching them grow up to adulthood.  Next year, Cole will be walking, and talking, and probably having a lot to say........I can't wait.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Not every train has a

Cole Car, but this one does after his birthday celebration today.

Cole Bob turned one year of age on the 22nd of November, which this year was also Thanksgiving Day.  Because of that, Caitlin and Matt decided to move his party to Saturday, December 1st.  It's not as if Cole Robert Kreienkamp would notice, were it not for the photos taken - who remembers their own first birthday, after all?

The car was a joint purchase of Cole's two married uncles and their wives, and we decided to show him before the party, as long as he promised to repeat the joy in his eyes when he "officially" saw it later today.  Now, as to that title "not every train" - it also refers to my weekend plan to drive to Indy and search out a train set piece that eluded me the last time I went into that giant archeological dig known as my mother's basement.   Wish me better luck this time, as I'm searching for an "O" gauge Sante Fe engine.  I already have an old engine, and now I have a cole car to go with it.