Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Update from 2020

I’ve been bad about not keeping up with my blog, especially after my inspiration, Don Dale died.  Well, I’m back and will try to post a finished shot of my new home. Well, that didn’t work.  Anyway, I’ve gotten older, and as of 8 weeks ago, I’ve pretty much hunkered down due to the Chinese coronavirus we’ve all experienced this year.  So far, so good and no symptoms.  My diabetes remains under control, but a year ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and that was a blow, but I’ve got a good doctor and the shakes are under control, even though I’ve got balance issues and the diagnosis did explain some of my earlier problems with CRS (can’t remember shit).  I’ve fall and hit my head twice within a week about ten days ago, which meant I lost my daily dog walks, as Elizabeth forbade me to walk the new dog, Ranger.

That’s the other news - Ripley crossed the Rainbow Bridge last April 24th, and in December we found a boy to replace him.  Not that any dog could replace Ripley, who’ll have a place in our hearts forever, but Ranger is a hound, bigger than Ripley, and stronger too - hence my dear wife took over the daily walks, lest he pull me over.  One lousy fall, and my head is hard anyway, but the boss says I’m grounded, therefore I am.  A picture of Ranger would also be nice here.
Well, a lot has happened since that last post, and now it’s April 2019.I just celebrated my 72nd birthday and my wife bought me a new wallet, an electric razor and one pound, twelve ounce can of whole cashews - salted even.  Boy, are they tasty.   Let’s try to make this update somewhat chronological. I know the last few posts featured the new home, so probably I mention breaking my leg, both the tibia and the fibula.that happened right before Labor Day and got me out of having to move as I was ensconced at a rehab center.  Since then, I’ve developed balance issues and will take a cane with me on our second trans-Atlantic cruise.  The first one was from Barcelona to Tampa, and upcoming will be from Tampa to Amsterdam, with a side trip to England to visit old friends.
We have also discovered Viking river cruises, with one on the Danube, and later this year we plan on doing one in Portugal.  We also took a train/bus tour of the American West just last year.  And of course we kept adding to our Royal Caribbean points taking a short cruise or two featuring Cozumel, Mexico. We’re spending the kids inheritance before we ally, we had to put our best buddy, Ripley the beagle, down just the other day.  At age twelve he pain and we couldn’t justify having our son have to deal with it while we were, bottom line is that we’re cruising through life on my retirement dollars and social security hopefully we will finish the bucket list before I kick the bucket over.