Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ripley meets his match

It just was not going to be a fair fight - Ripley watered the golf course, and the golf course struck back. If you've ever heard the phrase "trying to drink from a fire hose", think about this poor little dog who for weeks has been watering trees and bushes along the first tee, fairway and green. He never realized the course could shoot back. Wet dog is not a wonderful smell, especially when it comes from slightly saline irrigation well water.

By the way, those homes in the background are where we live, so every morning we get up and "walk a hound, lose a pound" around 6:45 to 7:00 AM. Ripley has a good friend named Bernard who works at the Tennis Gardens, and Rip looks forward to seeing him and all his little dog friends out doing "their business" as well at that hour.

Sort of ironic......on an island full of successful retirees, the only people doing business anymore are the dogs.

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